Today, a cold and rainy day, Warton current students hold a reception for prospectives.
I don't know the exact reason, but I've long hold an image that wharton people are tactful, but a little bit craftful. Once I saw the students in tonight's reception, my idea was proven. This school is much suited for Yiwei, not for me and Hank. Yes, it's a truth that Wharton won't pick me cuz I am not their type. But even I with the extreme luck get admitted to the school, I'm sure that I wo't be happy.
Therefore, I will not need to spend extra money and efforts to apply this top school.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Sunday, December 26, 2004
After Chicago GSB get-together
12/23 Chicago GSB current students hold a get-together for perspective students.
有兩年事務所的工作經驗. 準備要換跑道學行銷
跑遍各家學校interview. 至於Chicago GSB雖然沒正式面試但還是跟Admission Office的人吃飯談話
really impressed me!
不是隨隨便便follow common steps 就可以得到的
I need to do the best I can figure out!!!
I always consider myself a resourceful person; now, it's time to test my capability.
Be perseverant, be active, and also be myself.
有兩年事務所的工作經驗. 準備要換跑道學行銷
跑遍各家學校interview. 至於Chicago GSB雖然沒正式面試但還是跟Admission Office的人吃飯談話
really impressed me!
不是隨隨便便follow common steps 就可以得到的
I need to do the best I can figure out!!!
I always consider myself a resourceful person; now, it's time to test my capability.
Be perseverant, be active, and also be myself.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
我的過去沒有堅強到只要be myself
我的過去沒有堅強到只要be myself
Monday, December 20, 2004
speed up my footstep
Yesterday I had dinner with Wendy, who is now in UBC MBA program. She said in the past semester she only had four-hours sleep everyday on average and never went shopping!!!
WOW! I know MBA programs are always demanding, but the truth that she even didn't have time to go shopping is really to my surprise!
This is the first thing. The second is 康熙來了 last night. 大S is the guest, and she said she cannot stop and cannot put up with anything slow. I start to feel my slowness.
WOW! I know MBA programs are always demanding, but the truth that she even didn't have time to go shopping is really to my surprise!
This is the first thing. The second is 康熙來了 last night. 大S is the guest, and she said she cannot stop and cannot put up with anything slow. I start to feel my slowness.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Need Good Luck This Time....
It's a extremely awful habit to put everything off until the last minute!!!
I finally submitted the online application of Berkeley yesterday....
But..................9 minutes later than the deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know yet if they will grant any tolerance.
Now, my only wish is "Good Luck."
Good Luck Michelle - for me
I finally submitted the online application of Berkeley yesterday....
But..................9 minutes later than the deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know yet if they will grant any tolerance.
Now, my only wish is "Good Luck."
Good Luck Michelle - for me

Friday, December 03, 2004
愈來愈喪志了... 一開始充滿野心一定要唸TOP 10 然後TOP 20 然後現在開始覺得可能會什麼學校都沒有,於是開始看一些違背自己夢想的學校.... 昨天在Emory跟Georgetown 的網站都 register 了.... 可是也忍不住開始懷疑... 這些學校畢業之後對我真的有幫助.我真的想去念嗎? 還是我只是為了不要丟臉.不能什麼學校都沒上?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Natural-Born Leader?!
I've never thought I have anything to do with "Leader", But today I realized I could be a natural-born leader! Haha...
I still remember that when I was in elementary school, I organized a gang in my class and successfully persuaded half of my classmates to join me.
At that time, I even didn't have any ideas about leadership, but I knew that I wanna be a leader, wanna lead my own people!!!
Mmm... maybe the truth is I desire to lead people but not neccessarily have the skills and capability of leading people.
I still remember that when I was in elementary school, I organized a gang in my class and successfully persuaded half of my classmates to join me.
At that time, I even didn't have any ideas about leadership, but I knew that I wanna be a leader, wanna lead my own people!!!
Mmm... maybe the truth is I desire to lead people but not neccessarily have the skills and capability of leading people.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
getting nuts!
I was nuts! But don't worry, I've recovered myself, by a costly dose of DIESEL..... Wow Ha Ha Ha~~~ I must be nuts.....
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Love to have Nora Jones and burning fragrance oil with me in such a quiet night~
Relax...feel myself...get rid of everything...
Relax...feel myself...get rid of everything...
The Golden Rule
The best way to pull the best performance out of yourself is:
1. Hang up on your wall: " I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment."
2. Dedicate yourself to living by that creed.
It is the second rule in "The Official Guide To Success."
Wow... I start to feel guilty when reading it.
I always waste a lot of time doing things meaningless.
Is it useful to take photos, type blogs, and browse websites?
Maybe not, but I can say that it'll drive me crazy to do without them.
Does it mean that I am destined not to success?
Damn it!
1. Hang up on your wall: " I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment."
2. Dedicate yourself to living by that creed.
It is the second rule in "The Official Guide To Success."
Wow... I start to feel guilty when reading it.
I always waste a lot of time doing things meaningless.
Is it useful to take photos, type blogs, and browse websites?
Maybe not, but I can say that it'll drive me crazy to do without them.
Does it mean that I am destined not to success?
Damn it!
Monday, November 15, 2004
In the past, I was always unnfriendly when being accosted. But now I understand that it really takes a lot of courage, just as direct selling. I respect those people who dare to do that now, so.......I was very kind yesterday, left him my no., and sincerely believed that he will be a top sales. It's fun that the only question I asked him is " Are you a sales?"
7-Eleven, The Bible of Retail Business
Just read this book written by 鈴木敏文, the 會長 + CEO of 7-Eleven Japan.
In this book, he shared his experience and philosophy of management and detailed the marketing principles of retail business. It should be definitely helpful for the convenience store runners. As for me, I think it is a little bit limited to the details of the shops. Maybe need some efforts to connect them to the general marketing.
After all, this is written by 7-11 CEO, not by a marketing professor.
In this book, he shared his experience and philosophy of management and detailed the marketing principles of retail business. It should be definitely helpful for the convenience store runners. As for me, I think it is a little bit limited to the details of the shops. Maybe need some efforts to connect them to the general marketing.
After all, this is written by 7-11 CEO, not by a marketing professor.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
In current status, with no job but great time pressure for application, self-discipline is extremely significant!!!
Firstly, I need to keep early hours then I can lead a regular life. Also, I had better request myself to complete specific jobs within specific time-limits.
The pass of TOEFL is just a starting. I have to keep on my challenging journey of application. Keep going, keep my pace.
Firstly, I need to keep early hours then I can lead a regular life. Also, I had better request myself to complete specific jobs within specific time-limits.
The pass of TOEFL is just a starting. I have to keep on my challenging journey of application. Keep going, keep my pace.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
The perfect and most popular place of Taipei families' weekend outing...
The beef roll is tempting enough to satisfy parents and kids.
The warehouse is crowded enough to kill a full afternoon.
The taste-tests there are plenty and diverse enough to comfort the husbands or children who almost turn to feel bored.
So, the conversation that
"Q: What did you do last weekend?
A: We went to Costco."
is more and more popular.
The beef roll is tempting enough to satisfy parents and kids.
The warehouse is crowded enough to kill a full afternoon.
The taste-tests there are plenty and diverse enough to comfort the husbands or children who almost turn to feel bored.
So, the conversation that
"Q: What did you do last weekend?
A: We went to Costco."
is more and more popular.
Now, Discover My Strengths
That's my result of strengths finder provided by The Gallup Organization.
你樂於解釋、描述、主導全場、公開演說,也喜歡寫作。 這就是能言善道的主導特質在作用。 對你而言,觀念通常是枯燥的, 事件是呆板的, 你有一股衝動想在其中注入生命,使其充滿生氣, 所以將事件變成故事,反覆演練, 利用影像、案例和隱喻使枯燥的觀念活靈活現。 你相信大多數人能集中注意力的時間很短, 他們雖受到大量資訊轟炸,但是留在記憶的部分卻很有限。 你提供的資訊,無論是觀念、事件、產品的特點與優點、新發現或是一堂課的內容,都能讓人印象深刻、全神貫注。 因此,你會絞盡腦汁想出最完美的措辭, 自己也會受到驚人的字眼和懾人的文辭吸引, 這就是別人喜歡聽你說話的原因。 你的言詞在在引發人們的興趣,開拓人們的視野,並激發其採取行動。
這個主導特質代表喜歡、也擅長說服別人加入自己的陣營。 你喜歡結識陌生人,也讓他們喜歡你, 你一點也不怕陌生人, 相反地,陌生人能使你更有活力, 你想知道他們的名字,想向他們發問,想找出彼此的共通點繼續交談、建立密切關係。 有些人因為擔心詞窮而羞於跟別人說話, 但你不會, 打破僵局、讓彼此有交集使你很有成就感。 一旦與對方產生關連後,便會心滿意足罷手,繼續向前走, 因為還有許多陌生人可以認識,還有許多工作可以做,還有新的團體可以加入。 你的世界沒有陌生人,只有數不清、還沒認識的新朋友。
你深受新觀念吸引。 觀念即是概念,足以解釋大多數事件。 當你從複雜的表面下找到足以解釋事情為何演變成這樣的簡單概念時,會十分高興。 你總是在尋找事物的關連性,因此,如果看似風馬牛不相干的事,因為模糊的關連串在一起時,便很容易引起你的興趣。 觀念即是對熟悉的問題抱持一種新的看法。 你陶醉於扭轉原本熟知的世界,好讓我們以奇怪但具啟發性的角度看待世界。 你喜歡各種不同的觀念,因為意味深遠、新奇、一清二楚,或者矛盾且怪異。 基於上述種種原因,每想到新的概念都讓你躍躍欲試。 其他人可能會說你有創意、有概念甚至很聰明。
你有大將之風,也肩負重責大任, 但不會強迫別人接受你的觀點。 有意見一定跟別人分享; 一旦設定目標,一定要說服別人。 你無畏與人衝突,因為衝突是解決問題的第一步。 其他人對於生活中的不愉快往往避之唯恐不及,但是你覺得無論事實真相多麼不堪,都堅持要真實呈現。 你要求劃分清楚事情的權責,務必客觀誠實, 並催促大家勇於冒險, 甚至不惜出言恫嚇, 雖然有人因此心生怨恨,認為你冥頑不靈,但還是願意將主控權交給你。 一般人都會被立場鮮明的人吸引,要求他們指點迷津。 因此,你會吸引一群追隨者。
你一輩子都在問:「什麼時候可以開始?」 而急於採取行動。 你認為,爭辯和討論有時可以產生某些有價值的看法,但是在內心深處,又很清楚唯有行動才真實, 才能推動事情、 有所表現。 一旦下了決定,就不能不採取行動。 別人也許會擔心還不夠了解狀況,卻無法讓你停下腳步。 在你眼裡,行動與思考不是一體兩面, 受到﹁劍及履及﹂的主導特質左右,你相信行動是最佳的學習方法。 下決定後,會採取行動、看著結果並從中學習。學習讓你知道之後的每一個行動。 你必須讓自己有事忙並採取下一步驟, 這是保持思想開明、見聞廣博的不二法門。 最重要的是:你知道別人評判的根據是成果,而不是你怎麼說、怎麼想。 別人的批評嚇不到你, 反而讓你樂在其中。
你樂於解釋、描述、主導全場、公開演說,也喜歡寫作。 這就是能言善道的主導特質在作用。 對你而言,觀念通常是枯燥的, 事件是呆板的, 你有一股衝動想在其中注入生命,使其充滿生氣, 所以將事件變成故事,反覆演練, 利用影像、案例和隱喻使枯燥的觀念活靈活現。 你相信大多數人能集中注意力的時間很短, 他們雖受到大量資訊轟炸,但是留在記憶的部分卻很有限。 你提供的資訊,無論是觀念、事件、產品的特點與優點、新發現或是一堂課的內容,都能讓人印象深刻、全神貫注。 因此,你會絞盡腦汁想出最完美的措辭, 自己也會受到驚人的字眼和懾人的文辭吸引, 這就是別人喜歡聽你說話的原因。 你的言詞在在引發人們的興趣,開拓人們的視野,並激發其採取行動。
這個主導特質代表喜歡、也擅長說服別人加入自己的陣營。 你喜歡結識陌生人,也讓他們喜歡你, 你一點也不怕陌生人, 相反地,陌生人能使你更有活力, 你想知道他們的名字,想向他們發問,想找出彼此的共通點繼續交談、建立密切關係。 有些人因為擔心詞窮而羞於跟別人說話, 但你不會, 打破僵局、讓彼此有交集使你很有成就感。 一旦與對方產生關連後,便會心滿意足罷手,繼續向前走, 因為還有許多陌生人可以認識,還有許多工作可以做,還有新的團體可以加入。 你的世界沒有陌生人,只有數不清、還沒認識的新朋友。
你深受新觀念吸引。 觀念即是概念,足以解釋大多數事件。 當你從複雜的表面下找到足以解釋事情為何演變成這樣的簡單概念時,會十分高興。 你總是在尋找事物的關連性,因此,如果看似風馬牛不相干的事,因為模糊的關連串在一起時,便很容易引起你的興趣。 觀念即是對熟悉的問題抱持一種新的看法。 你陶醉於扭轉原本熟知的世界,好讓我們以奇怪但具啟發性的角度看待世界。 你喜歡各種不同的觀念,因為意味深遠、新奇、一清二楚,或者矛盾且怪異。 基於上述種種原因,每想到新的概念都讓你躍躍欲試。 其他人可能會說你有創意、有概念甚至很聰明。
你有大將之風,也肩負重責大任, 但不會強迫別人接受你的觀點。 有意見一定跟別人分享; 一旦設定目標,一定要說服別人。 你無畏與人衝突,因為衝突是解決問題的第一步。 其他人對於生活中的不愉快往往避之唯恐不及,但是你覺得無論事實真相多麼不堪,都堅持要真實呈現。 你要求劃分清楚事情的權責,務必客觀誠實, 並催促大家勇於冒險, 甚至不惜出言恫嚇, 雖然有人因此心生怨恨,認為你冥頑不靈,但還是願意將主控權交給你。 一般人都會被立場鮮明的人吸引,要求他們指點迷津。 因此,你會吸引一群追隨者。
你一輩子都在問:「什麼時候可以開始?」 而急於採取行動。 你認為,爭辯和討論有時可以產生某些有價值的看法,但是在內心深處,又很清楚唯有行動才真實, 才能推動事情、 有所表現。 一旦下了決定,就不能不採取行動。 別人也許會擔心還不夠了解狀況,卻無法讓你停下腳步。 在你眼裡,行動與思考不是一體兩面, 受到﹁劍及履及﹂的主導特質左右,你相信行動是最佳的學習方法。 下決定後,會採取行動、看著結果並從中學習。學習讓你知道之後的每一個行動。 你必須讓自己有事忙並採取下一步驟, 這是保持思想開明、見聞廣博的不二法門。 最重要的是:你知道別人評判的根據是成果,而不是你怎麼說、怎麼想。 別人的批評嚇不到你, 反而讓你樂在其中。
Friday, November 12, 2004
Oh yeh~~~ I finally passed the exhausting TOEFL!!!I just called ETS and paid USD 10.- to get my score early, but it surely worth. I've been so anxious about my writing score in the past two weeks that I dreamed about the uncertain result almost everyday.
Thanks God it ends up with good result! My writing score is exact 4.0, neither more nor less. Though my listening is still very weak, I make it to get full score in reading. So, the writing score of 4.0 just makes my total score to be 253, a little bit higher than the minimum.
Thanks God it ends up with good result! My writing score is exact 4.0, neither more nor less. Though my listening is still very weak, I make it to get full score in reading. So, the writing score of 4.0 just makes my total score to be 253, a little bit higher than the minimum.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Am I being blocked?
Today Anwell told me about the story between his Taiwanese friend and a Japanese guy.
That reminded me of Stanley, my dream guy in primary school. After more than ten years without any contacts, I met him in Taichung SKM Dept Store in this June. I got his MSN then but just met him few times while he was still in Taiwan. It's quite a long time I haven't met him...... I can't help to suspect that if I am blocked by him.... How come?
That reminded me of Stanley, my dream guy in primary school. After more than ten years without any contacts, I met him in Taichung SKM Dept Store in this June. I got his MSN then but just met him few times while he was still in Taiwan. It's quite a long time I haven't met him...... I can't help to suspect that if I am blocked by him.... How come?
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