Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Charles David Warehouse Sale
Haven't gone to any real warehouse sale like this, which was literally right outside of the brand's warehouse! The staff there were actually busy moving out boxes and boxes of shoes from the warehouse.
It was a fun experience, and, of course, I got a couple pairs of nice Charles David shoes for $25~30 each! ^__^

In order to lower the cost, they even use plastic trash bags as shopping bags....>__<
It was a fun experience, and, of course, I got a couple pairs of nice Charles David shoes for $25~30 each! ^__^
In order to lower the cost, they even use plastic trash bags as shopping bags....>__<

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Otom Sushiya
Otom Sushiya is the place I go the most often. Not just because it's close and not expensive, Puncho's jokes and the tasty sushi are also the reasons make me keep going back.
Here is the review I wrote a few months ago posted on Yelp.
I love this place so so so much! Highly recommend everyone tries to get seats by the sushi bar. The sushi chefs are very energetic and funny. Just don't go when you are in a rush, you'll enjoy the meal and the entire night. ^_^
By the way, I don't recommend the $35 all-you-can-eat deal. The dishes don't come out fast. I think if I have time pressure, I'll just complain about their slow service and not be able to enjoy the food and some jokes maybe. Plus, the price there is actually not very expensive. From my experience, the bill always comes out about $25~30 per person.
My favorite -- Chilean Seabass

Otom Sushiya
3936 Sepulveda Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 391-8011
Here is the review I wrote a few months ago posted on Yelp.
I love this place so so so much! Highly recommend everyone tries to get seats by the sushi bar. The sushi chefs are very energetic and funny. Just don't go when you are in a rush, you'll enjoy the meal and the entire night. ^_^
By the way, I don't recommend the $35 all-you-can-eat deal. The dishes don't come out fast. I think if I have time pressure, I'll just complain about their slow service and not be able to enjoy the food and some jokes maybe. Plus, the price there is actually not very expensive. From my experience, the bill always comes out about $25~30 per person.
My favorite -- Chilean Seabass

Otom Sushiya
3936 Sepulveda Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 391-8011
Sunday, October 21, 2007
2 Celebrities in 1 Day! -2/2
Saturday, October 20, 2007
2 Celebrities in 1 Day! -1/2
(其實也是有啦...如果我看到的當時完全認不出來的Jake Gyllenhaal, 還有聽演唱會的時候坐在我們附近的比莉跟蜜雪薇琪的薇琪算的話)
毫不遲疑我就抓起iPhone跟迪娜衝到對面的Pizza店Pit Fire


看狗仔隊衝的可緊張的, 他們以為琳賽要從側門離開了

(其實也是有啦...如果我看到的當時完全認不出來的Jake Gyllenhaal, 還有聽演唱會的時候坐在我們附近的比莉跟蜜雪薇琪的薇琪算的話)
毫不遲疑我就抓起iPhone跟迪娜衝到對面的Pizza店Pit Fire
看狗仔隊衝的可緊張的, 他們以為琳賽要從側門離開了
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My TV-watching schedule
- How I met your mother: Just for fun. It's very entertaining....too bad it's only 30 mins/week....
- Heros: I watch it because everyone else watches it. I don't want to be left behind...
- The Hills: The half-reality show is going on in LA. By watching it, I get to see a lot of trendy restaurants, bars, and clubs.
- Ugly Betty: working at a fashion magazine is every girl's dream. Though I'm not so much a MODE girl just like Betty, I'm still very curious about what's going on in that glamorous world.
- Grey's Anatomy: I've been watching it since the 1st season, and there is no reason for me to stop watching... ^_^
- How I met your mother: Just for fun. It's very entertaining....too bad it's only 30 mins/week....
- Heros: I watch it because everyone else watches it. I don't want to be left behind...
- The Hills: The half-reality show is going on in LA. By watching it, I get to see a lot of trendy restaurants, bars, and clubs.
- Ugly Betty: working at a fashion magazine is every girl's dream. Though I'm not so much a MODE girl just like Betty, I'm still very curious about what's going on in that glamorous world.
- Grey's Anatomy: I've been watching it since the 1st season, and there is no reason for me to stop watching... ^_^
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
根據常常上歐普拉脫口秀的Dr. Oz
但我知道藍莓已經自動被我加到待會去Trader Joe's 的購物清單上了...
但我知道藍莓已經自動被我加到待會去Trader Joe's 的購物清單上了...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Lobster Festival 龍蝦節
聽朋友說在Port of Los Angeles 有個龍蝦節就興沖沖跑去了
(1.25 磅要價$17)
還吃了超好吃的玉米. 炒蝦跟熱狗
這樣的活動在中西部很多(有各種不同的名目..什麼festival 什麼fair 都有)
甚至還有個網站 festivals.com 告訴妳各地的活動
(1.25 磅要價$17)
還吃了超好吃的玉米. 炒蝦跟熱狗
這樣的活動在中西部很多(有各種不同的名目..什麼festival 什麼fair 都有)
甚至還有個網站 festivals.com 告訴妳各地的活動

Corteo 科特歐 - by Cirque du Soleil 太陽馬戲團
上周末去看了我的第二個太陽馬戲團戲碼 -- 目前巡迴到LA的 Corteo
(會在LA一直到10/28, 想看的還來的及)

當然Corteo 也不例外
主題是一場喪禮, 但卻有許多類似嘉年華會的熱鬧場面
馬戲團裡沒有真馬, 但有像是中國舞龍舞獅的"舞馬"
"舞馬"把馬的習性. 小動作等表現得維妙維肖
除了舞馬外, 還有留長辮子像是清朝男子的裝束及扯鈴特技表演等
-- 難得不必跑到Vegas又可以用比較便宜的票價坐到超好的位子
-- 因為每一齣劇碼真的都帶給我完全不同的體驗
(會在LA一直到10/28, 想看的還來的及)
當然Corteo 也不例外
主題是一場喪禮, 但卻有許多類似嘉年華會的熱鬧場面
馬戲團裡沒有真馬, 但有像是中國舞龍舞獅的"舞馬"
"舞馬"把馬的習性. 小動作等表現得維妙維肖
除了舞馬外, 還有留長辮子像是清朝男子的裝束及扯鈴特技表演等
-- 難得不必跑到Vegas又可以用比較便宜的票價坐到超好的位子
-- 因為每一齣劇碼真的都帶給我完全不同的體驗
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
1) 不要心存僥倖: 不然會像我一樣受懲罰($400 + $370 + .....)
2) 對於挫折和生活的種種磨難,要"微笑面對"(這是在一個好朋友問我如何度過這麼多挫折的時候我告訴他的, 如果不是想起自己曾親口告訴別人這些話, 怎麼可能還在沮喪時想到要微笑?)
3) 要懂得感恩,懂得珍惜身邊的好朋友和把握學習的機會
2) 對於挫折和生活的種種磨難,要"微笑面對"(這是在一個好朋友問我如何度過這麼多挫折的時候我告訴他的, 如果不是想起自己曾親口告訴別人這些話, 怎麼可能還在沮喪時想到要微笑?)
3) 要懂得感恩,懂得珍惜身邊的好朋友和把握學習的機會
Monday, September 10, 2007
來輛蘋果車吧! iCar!?
在健身房裡不只是邊跑步邊聽iPod, 還可以邊踩腳踏車邊用iPhone回妳的Facebook留言
iPod 把其實已經存在很久的MP3 player帶入更多人的生活
iPhone 其實也只是把早已可上網的手機美化加上種種酷炫因子變得更普及
最近蘋果的Steve Jobs 跟福斯(Volkswagon)的執行長正在討論合作的可能性及細節
以Jobs 過去的成績推斷想必iCar也不會令人失望
在健身房裡不只是邊跑步邊聽iPod, 還可以邊踩腳踏車邊用iPhone回妳的Facebook留言
iPod 把其實已經存在很久的MP3 player帶入更多人的生活
iPhone 其實也只是把早已可上網的手機美化加上種種酷炫因子變得更普及
最近蘋果的Steve Jobs 跟福斯(Volkswagon)的執行長正在討論合作的可能性及細節
以Jobs 過去的成績推斷想必iCar也不會令人失望
HBO 的慾望城市受到大多數女生的喜愛(如果不是全部)
MTV的熱門影集The Hills(Laguna Beach 的續集)被戲稱為SEX AND A NEW CITY
主角們住在高級公寓, 光顧一樣是最時髦的餐廳夜店
主角Lauren 和Carrie一樣迷戀名牌鞋也戴了個跟Carrie一樣的名字項鍊
除了The Hills 之外
(1)慾望城市作者Candace Bushnell的另一部作品口紅叢林(Lipstick Jungle)即將在NBC播放
(2)慾望城市前Executive Producer, Darren Starr, 自己拍了部類似的Cashmere Mafia 也即將在ABC播出(Lucy Liu 也在其中扮演一角)
(怪的是其實生活在LA,那些有名的Club去過幾次也並不覺得太有趣, 反倒是看別人的生活比較開心)
MTV的熱門影集The Hills(Laguna Beach 的續集)被戲稱為SEX AND A NEW CITY
主角們住在高級公寓, 光顧一樣是最時髦的餐廳夜店
主角Lauren 和Carrie一樣迷戀名牌鞋也戴了個跟Carrie一樣的名字項鍊
除了The Hills 之外
(1)慾望城市作者Candace Bushnell的另一部作品口紅叢林(Lipstick Jungle)即將在NBC播放
(2)慾望城市前Executive Producer, Darren Starr, 自己拍了部類似的Cashmere Mafia 也即將在ABC播出(Lucy Liu 也在其中扮演一角)
(怪的是其實生活在LA,那些有名的Club去過幾次也並不覺得太有趣, 反倒是看別人的生活比較開心)
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
晚上十點的健身房, 亞洲人比例大大增加到多於30%
晚上十點的健身房, 亞洲人比例大大增加到多於30%
The 1st Brunch Tasting
Sept 1, 2007
- Eggs Benedict
- Pecan Waffles with Freshly-Made Blackberries Sauce & Sour Cream
- Mimosa
- Coffee
Guests: Emily, Jia, Andy, Tom, Jessica, and Hank
- Eggs Benedict
- Pecan Waffles with Freshly-Made Blackberries Sauce & Sour Cream
- Mimosa
- Coffee
Guests: Emily, Jia, Andy, Tom, Jessica, and Hank
Friday, August 31, 2007
平價地中海美食 Gaby's
Yay! Tomorrow I'm going to the 1st game in the season. It was embarrassing that I didn't get football at all until the last game in last season. (Yes... the unfortunate one. USC lost to UCLA.) That was the last game in my 2 year student life in USC. Now I've become an alum and I'm very excited about going to the game, although I have to pay so much more for a game. ^_^
詐騙集團就會出現, 來滿足人的欲望想像
好啦....我承認我對於印度英文並不擅長, 但以一般印度同學的腔調來說我至少可以懂個85%
這個我真的只聽懂了<10%, 聽到了 resume, 大致聽出是跟找工作有關的
在加上就算我回電我也聽不懂他講的話, 就決定不回電話了
一個後面兩個號碼不同, 也是來自亞歷桑納的號碼又來電
這次換成另一個印度男子留言, 稍微好一點
唉他們cold call 名單沒分配好不夠專業
還有最近在看的書Tipping Point...想到原來申請的工作多到一種程度, 各行各業甚至連詐騙集團都會找上妳
詐騙集團就會出現, 來滿足人的欲望想像
好啦....我承認我對於印度英文並不擅長, 但以一般印度同學的腔調來說我至少可以懂個85%
這個我真的只聽懂了<10%, 聽到了 resume, 大致聽出是跟找工作有關的
在加上就算我回電我也聽不懂他講的話, 就決定不回電話了
一個後面兩個號碼不同, 也是來自亞歷桑納的號碼又來電
這次換成另一個印度男子留言, 稍微好一點
唉他們cold call 名單沒分配好不夠專業
還有最近在看的書Tipping Point...想到原來申請的工作多到一種程度, 各行各業甚至連詐騙集團都會找上妳
Monday, August 27, 2007
Cha Cha Cha - Silver Lake
Cha Cha Cha is a Caribbean restaurant chain. I've been to the one in SF and the one in West Hollywood for dinner. They have great Tapas menu and also serve great Sangaria. Now I found it was also a great place to go for a relaxing & exoctic weekend brunch! The seafood omelet is my fav!
Complimentary Bread

Chilaquiles: Scrambled eggs with tortillas, guacamole, crème fraiche & tomatillo salsa

Tortilla Marbella: Seafood omelet with scallions & mushrooms
Complimentary Bread
Chilaquiles: Scrambled eggs with tortillas, guacamole, crème fraiche & tomatillo salsa
Tortilla Marbella: Seafood omelet with scallions & mushrooms
Manhattan Beach Sunset
Bike riding has become my Sunday routine. It rained a little bit this aftenoon, so we left a little bit later than usual. Because of that, I got to catch the beautiful sunset at Manhattan Beach.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Feel-good Things Lately
1. Biking: Loving beach side bike riding in south bay!
2. Walking: Actually the only walk I've been doing is probably from my place to the gym. I used to walk a lot when I live in Taipei. Walking makes me feel alive, feel that I'm closer to the world.
3. Knowing that I'm following my workout routine
4. Cooking with friends: Welcome to Palms Kitchen!
5. Learning American pop culture: Ha... well actually by just watching E! & MTV channel and listening to a lot of American pop music
2. Walking: Actually the only walk I've been doing is probably from my place to the gym. I used to walk a lot when I live in Taipei. Walking makes me feel alive, feel that I'm closer to the world.
3. Knowing that I'm following my workout routine
4. Cooking with friends: Welcome to Palms Kitchen!
5. Learning American pop culture: Ha... well actually by just watching E! & MTV channel and listening to a lot of American pop music
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I've been sick for the past week. I haven't caught a cold for so long that I can't even remember when was the last time i was sick. Also, unlike this time, i would normally recover in 2~3 days. What happened to me?
Maybe the reason was the same as why Meredith almost died. She could swim but almost drowned because she lost her will of living for just a second.
Am I gradually losing my hope of succeeding?
How could I find back my confidence and optimism?
Maybe the reason was the same as why Meredith almost died. She could swim but almost drowned because she lost her will of living for just a second.
Am I gradually losing my hope of succeeding?
How could I find back my confidence and optimism?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
The research on the popular cafes - Toast
I am working on a project that I have to find out the places with the longest wait and dig out the reasons why they are so popular.
Need your inputs & comments!
- Please tell me the most popular/crowded cafes you've ever been.
- Please comment on the reasons I list out if you've also been to these places. ^_^
I'll start with Toast.
1) the hip of the crowd (I think this is the single most important reason.)
2) the good looking waiters & waitresses
3) its location (this contributes to #1, but also the painful parking situation.)
4) its menu (it serves burgers, quesadillas, wraps, and soups, other than the regular brunch/breakfast menu in other places)
5) its hour (it opens until 10pm, much longer than most of the cafes.)
Need your inputs & comments!
- Please tell me the most popular/crowded cafes you've ever been.
- Please comment on the reasons I list out if you've also been to these places. ^_^
I'll start with Toast.
1) the hip of the crowd (I think this is the single most important reason.)
2) the good looking waiters & waitresses
3) its location (this contributes to #1, but also the painful parking situation.)
4) its menu (it serves burgers, quesadillas, wraps, and soups, other than the regular brunch/breakfast menu in other places)
5) its hour (it opens until 10pm, much longer than most of the cafes.)
In Grey's Anatomy, Izzie couldn't stop baking muffins when Denny died. When she stopped baking, she was recovered and ready to face the real life.
I can't remeber when was my last time baking. 6 years ago maybe? I made very tasty and looking-good oat cookies. I can't remember why I started baking either. But I remember I enjoyed the time hanging in the kitchen with Mom and I loved the smell of baking.
Today, I just started baking again. I made waffles. I baked alone in the kitchen.(not as fun as baking in the Kitchen at home with Mom) I am not trying to hide from the real life. I'm doing so to try to learn about the reasons why some waffles are good and some are not.
Here comes my first waffle. Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have been lazy and bought the baking mix from Trader Joe's. The waffle tasted not bad, and it was quick and easy to make. But it won't be easy for me to adjust the ingredients and flavors.
I can't remeber when was my last time baking. 6 years ago maybe? I made very tasty and looking-good oat cookies. I can't remember why I started baking either. But I remember I enjoyed the time hanging in the kitchen with Mom and I loved the smell of baking.
Today, I just started baking again. I made waffles. I baked alone in the kitchen.(not as fun as baking in the Kitchen at home with Mom) I am not trying to hide from the real life. I'm doing so to try to learn about the reasons why some waffles are good and some are not.
Here comes my first waffle. Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have been lazy and bought the baking mix from Trader Joe's. The waffle tasted not bad, and it was quick and easy to make. But it won't be easy for me to adjust the ingredients and flavors.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
努力的目的並不是為了美好回憶, 而是為了結果
沒有結果的話,過去的一切努力 都是白費
努力的目的並不是為了美好回憶, 而是為了結果
沒有結果的話,過去的一切努力 都是白費
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
25 Sites We Can't Live Without
Time Magazine selected the 25 websites that most people are dependent on...
10 out of the 25 are true to me.
See which sites we do live without...
1. Amazon.com : without explanations...
2. BBC.co.uk : I did use it to train my English listening skills when I was in Taiwan... but haven't used it since I got done my TOEFL... It's helpful, for sure.
3. Citysearch.com : but I use Yelp.com more and more often now... Its function of Information provider+ Social Networking attracts me more than Citysearch does.
4. Craigslist.org : I did use it a lot when i was looking to buy or sell old stuff
5. Del.icio.us
6. Digg.com
7. Ebay.com
8. ESPN.com
9. Facebook.com : I do maintain an Facebook page... but so as Friendster, MySpace, and LinkedIn
10. FactCheck.org
11. Flickr.com: but I use its rival site - Picasa more frequently now
12. Google.com: for sure
13. HowStuffWorks.com
14. The Internet Movie Database: it's a great great movie database. it has everything about movie industry...
15. YouTube: no doubt! I use it to watch Taiwanese TV shows... haha!!!
16. Kayak.com
17. National Geographic.com: I'm never a National Geographic Channel kind of person...
18. Netflix.com: I use its rival site, blockbuster, instead. I still like to have the real retail stores that we can look around, exchange and return DVDs.
19. Technorati.com
20. TMZ.com
21. USA.gov: I am not a citizen...
22. Television WithoutPity.com
23. WebMD.com: It's good to know this site....
24. Wikipedia.org : The best knowledge source for me...
25. Yahoo.com
10 out of the 25 are true to me.
See which sites we do live without...
1. Amazon.com : without explanations...
2. BBC.co.uk : I did use it to train my English listening skills when I was in Taiwan... but haven't used it since I got done my TOEFL... It's helpful, for sure.
3. Citysearch.com : but I use Yelp.com more and more often now... Its function of Information provider+ Social Networking attracts me more than Citysearch does.
4. Craigslist.org : I did use it a lot when i was looking to buy or sell old stuff
5. Del.icio.us
6. Digg.com
7. Ebay.com
8. ESPN.com
9. Facebook.com : I do maintain an Facebook page... but so as Friendster, MySpace, and LinkedIn
10. FactCheck.org
11. Flickr.com: but I use its rival site - Picasa more frequently now
12. Google.com: for sure
13. HowStuffWorks.com
14. The Internet Movie Database: it's a great great movie database. it has everything about movie industry...
15. YouTube: no doubt! I use it to watch Taiwanese TV shows... haha!!!
16. Kayak.com
17. National Geographic.com: I'm never a National Geographic Channel kind of person...
18. Netflix.com: I use its rival site, blockbuster, instead. I still like to have the real retail stores that we can look around, exchange and return DVDs.
19. Technorati.com
20. TMZ.com
21. USA.gov: I am not a citizen...
22. Television WithoutPity.com
23. WebMD.com: It's good to know this site....
24. Wikipedia.org : The best knowledge source for me...
25. Yahoo.com
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Napa Valley
1. Del Dotto Vineyards & Winery
2. Dalrioush Winery
3. V. Sattui
4. CIA (Culinary Institute of America) @ Greystone
2. Dalrioush Winery
3. V. Sattui
4. CIA (Culinary Institute of America) @ Greystone
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Simpsons are taking over the planet!
When I first saw the long line outside of this store, I thought they had some big discount. But when I looked closely, I found that was a "Kwik-E-Mart"!
It's a store converted from 7-Eleven. It's basically a 7-Eleven with the store name in the Simpsons that carries Don't -nuts, Buzz Cola, and some Simpsons souvenirs other than regular convenience store products.
There is always a line, but visiting this store is definitly a fun experience. It's like a mini Simpsons theme park. So, remember to bring your camera with you when you visit Kwik-E-Mart!
A great example of Reverse Product Placement. However, I think they could carry more Simpsons merchandise to boost their sales. ( I noticed a lot of people are just looking and taking pictures in the store without spending any money.)
It's a store converted from 7-Eleven. It's basically a 7-Eleven with the store name in the Simpsons that carries Don't -nuts, Buzz Cola, and some Simpsons souvenirs other than regular convenience store products.
There is always a line, but visiting this store is definitly a fun experience. It's like a mini Simpsons theme park. So, remember to bring your camera with you when you visit Kwik-E-Mart!
A great example of Reverse Product Placement. However, I think they could carry more Simpsons merchandise to boost their sales. ( I noticed a lot of people are just looking and taking pictures in the store without spending any money.)
Friday, July 06, 2007
Cafe Laurent
It's such a shame that I didn't try it until now. Cafe Laurent is a nice little French Cafe right down the street from where I live.
According to my experience of trying out the most popular brunch places around LA so far, I think they have the best waffle in town! Their salmon omelette is also very good!

According to my experience of trying out the most popular brunch places around LA so far, I think they have the best waffle in town! Their salmon omelette is also very good!
Thank you and good bye.
You didn't respect my value and make me feel accomplishment. I might be interested in you, but I know that's not enough. I realized what really matters to me is something you're unable to offer. I understand maybe that's the best you could possibly do, so I guess I am just not the right person for you.
Thanks & Bye!
You didn't respect my value and make me feel accomplishment. I might be interested in you, but I know that's not enough. I realized what really matters to me is something you're unable to offer. I understand maybe that's the best you could possibly do, so I guess I am just not the right person for you.
Thanks & Bye!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
一個是去年夏天在那裏實習的UCLA MBA
一個是去年夏天在那裏實習的UCLA MBA
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I miss you.
I don't celebrate my birthday because I miss you.
I'm tearing whenever I think of the picture.
How are you? Will you come back at some point?
I'm tearing whenever I think of the picture.
How are you? Will you come back at some point?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Moving today
2 boxes of books and binders
1 box of magazines
1 box of shoes
1 box of food
3 (and increasing) boxes of clothes
and more to be packed....
I'm moving out today! (well actually in 7 hours)
I know I'll miss this place because the days we partied, cooked, watched DVDs, and played Wii.
I know I'll miss this place because of the week my family stayed here.
I know I'll miss this place, because I'm so used to telling people " just take 10 W, get off at the Overland Exit and make a left."
I know I'll miss this place because of the Trader Joe's within walking distance (though I've never tried to walk there...)
I know I'll miss this place for all sort of reasons...
but I guess I have no time for this now.
Yeah, Mom... you're right. I'm really not good at packing. I am so inefficient. I've taken so many breaks but am still feeling very tired.
Gotta get back to work.... >_<
1 box of magazines
1 box of shoes
1 box of food
3 (and increasing) boxes of clothes
and more to be packed....
I'm moving out today! (well actually in 7 hours)
I know I'll miss this place because the days we partied, cooked, watched DVDs, and played Wii.
I know I'll miss this place because of the week my family stayed here.
I know I'll miss this place, because I'm so used to telling people " just take 10 W, get off at the Overland Exit and make a left."
I know I'll miss this place because of the Trader Joe's within walking distance (though I've never tried to walk there...)
I know I'll miss this place for all sort of reasons...
but I guess I have no time for this now.
Yeah, Mom... you're right. I'm really not good at packing. I am so inefficient. I've taken so many breaks but am still feeling very tired.
Gotta get back to work.... >_<
Monday, May 21, 2007
My Family Trip(completely 流水帳, for future reference only)
- Thousand Oaks
- Universal Citywalk
- Hollywood
- Dinner @ Thai Town
- Desert Hills Outlet
- "O" - Cirque du Soleil
- Lunch buffet with Chance's family @ the Paris hotel
- Venitian tour
- Mamamia
- Fashion outlet (outlet again!!!)
- Dinner @ K-town
- Brunch @ Uncle Bill's Pancake House
- Manhattan Beach
- Santa Monica
- Dodger's Game
- Los Olivos Cafe
- Firestone Vineyard
- Solvang - The Danish Capital of America
- Santa Barbara City Tour
- Yay! Thai food as Vianne's last dinner in LA
- Bye bye Vianne
- Wal-Mart
- The Grove
- Beverly Hills
- Bye bye Dad and Mom
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Buca di Beppo
My classmates in IOM599 class LOVE the professor and the class so much. So we went out for dinner and drink on Thur. (This is my only elective class that has such kind of get-together outside of class.) We chose Buca di Beppo and I really like it. It is a family style Italian restaurant. Their house special pizza was huge and tasted great!
I really enjoyed the dinner... but maybe more because of the company! ^_^ More photos are here.
Bruschetta & Giant pizza (don't know what's the exact name of the pizza)
Bruschetta & Giant pizza (don't know what's the exact name of the pizza)
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
J Lounge
What do people do in the club? Other than dancing, drinking, picking up girls, and whatever people usually do in the clubs, people in the photos I took at the outdoor area of the J lounge actually look like they are in a picnic, or BBQ maybe. (just the ice tea is Long Island ice tea and the beer is 10 times more expensive....)
Monday, April 30, 2007
En Sushi
Just as how it appears in its website, En Sushi tries to create an image of hip, high-end Japanese restaurant. Overall, I enjoyed the food and the whole atmosphere. (Though I thought it was a little bit over-priced especially after my visit to Miyake at Palo Alto a week ago.)
Since I was there for the rolls, everything we ordered was from the sushi & sashimi menu. (I love fushion sushi & rolls so much!!!) Those in the picture was our first order: Salmon Sushi, Spicy Tuna Roll, Scallop Roll, and Dragon Roll.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
some more therapies
- Pinkberry (medium size with blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries...)
- Cooking in the midnight... I know I am very weird...
- Passionfruit Green Tea (Half sugar) with boba: this one is not very effective recently...
The more the pressure is, the more I want to fool around... (like writing blog..)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
4 years ago
Since I'm still not very familiar with the new version of IE, I accidentally opened all the links in "My Favorites". The old photo album @ pchome drew my attention right away.
I still remember that summer. We were still young and still had a lot of dreams to be realized.
Now, 4 years later, some of us, the lucky ones, are living their dreams, some've realized the reality and already given up the dreams, and some had spent so much efforts to fight for their dreams and didn't realize that dreams only existed in the dreamland until they got very close to the end.
I still remember that summer. We were still young and still had a lot of dreams to be realized.
Now, 4 years later, some of us, the lucky ones, are living their dreams, some've realized the reality and already given up the dreams, and some had spent so much efforts to fight for their dreams and didn't realize that dreams only existed in the dreamland until they got very close to the end.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Pizza is coming to SUBWAY
Subway, the largest restaurant franchise in the US, will introduce deep-dish style(Chicago-style) personal pizza by June. Just as how we currently order sandwiches at Subway, we will be able to decide our own toppings on the pizza. I can see its success in the near future.
Personalization is always popular. Chipotle is another example. This Mexican grill restaurant owned by McDonald's just opened a store by our campus last month and it has been very busy since then. I am not a big fan of either Mexican food or McDonald's but I spent 30 mins waiting in the line just for a burrito or 3-taco meal. I believe the way they let us customize our burrito or taco is the main reason.
Personalization is always popular. Chipotle is another example. This Mexican grill restaurant owned by McDonald's just opened a store by our campus last month and it has been very busy since then. I am not a big fan of either Mexican food or McDonald's but I spent 30 mins waiting in the line just for a burrito or 3-taco meal. I believe the way they let us customize our burrito or taco is the main reason.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Krispy Kreme launches whole wheat doughnut
The project we did for "Advertisement & Promotions" class last semester was on "Dunkin Donuts." And what we recommended them to do was inroducing a healthy product line!!!
Though the one who started to take actions was Krispy Kreme, I am still very excited that our idea has been actually turned into a trend! Oh Yay!!!
Though the one who started to take actions was Krispy Kreme, I am still very excited that our idea has been actually turned into a trend! Oh Yay!!!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Reel Inn
Thursday, April 05, 2007
My Therapies
I've been extremely stressed this week, so today I applied two of my private therapies. They really worked, and I feel energetic again! ^_^
Shopping Therapy: helps to relieve the stress mentally
- Where? Century City Mall (less than 10 mins from home)
- Store? ZARA or Abercrombie & Fitch (can always find some "nice to have" shirts)
- Rule 1: Spending < $50 (will feel bad if spending more than that)
- Rule 2: Spending less than one hour
Hot Tub Therapy: helps to relieve the stress physically
- Where? my hot tub @ Home
- What do you need? Japanese hot spring bath salt + magazines
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Oh well, I can take my time now.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has received enough H-1B petitions to meet the congressionally mandated cap for fiscal year 2008 (FY 2008). USCIS will use a random selection process (described below) for all cap-subject filings received on April 2, 2007 and April 3, 2007. USCIS will reject and return along with filing fee(s) all petitions received on those days that are not randomly selected.
Cap Procedures: In keeping with USCIS regulations, USCIS will use the following process to handle
H-1B petitions subject to the FY 2008 cap:
• USCIS has determined that as of April 2, 2007, it had received enough H-1B petitions to reach the FY 2008 H-1B cap and has set the "final receipt date" as April 2, 2007.
• In keeping with its regulations, USCIS will subject H-1B petitions received on the "final receipt date" and the following day to a computer-generated random selection process.
• USCIS will reject all cap-subject H-1B petitions for FY 2008 received on or after Wednesday, April 4, 2007.
• USCIS will reject and return along with the filing fee(s) all cap-subject H-1B petitions that are not randomly selected.
• Petitioners may re-submit petitions on April 1, 2008 when H-1B visas become available for FY 2009. This is the earliest date for which an employer may file a petition requesting FY 2009 H-1B employment with a start date of October 1, 2008.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has received enough H-1B petitions to meet the congressionally mandated cap for fiscal year 2008 (FY 2008). USCIS will use a random selection process (described below) for all cap-subject filings received on April 2, 2007 and April 3, 2007. USCIS will reject and return along with filing fee(s) all petitions received on those days that are not randomly selected.
Cap Procedures: In keeping with USCIS regulations, USCIS will use the following process to handle
H-1B petitions subject to the FY 2008 cap:
• USCIS has determined that as of April 2, 2007, it had received enough H-1B petitions to reach the FY 2008 H-1B cap and has set the "final receipt date" as April 2, 2007.
• In keeping with its regulations, USCIS will subject H-1B petitions received on the "final receipt date" and the following day to a computer-generated random selection process.
• USCIS will reject all cap-subject H-1B petitions for FY 2008 received on or after Wednesday, April 4, 2007.
• USCIS will reject and return along with the filing fee(s) all cap-subject H-1B petitions that are not randomly selected.
• Petitioners may re-submit petitions on April 1, 2008 when H-1B visas become available for FY 2009. This is the earliest date for which an employer may file a petition requesting FY 2009 H-1B employment with a start date of October 1, 2008.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The journey
I am sure the journey itself is valuble no matter where the destination is. However, I'm still having hard time making myself enjoy the journey without knowing where I'm going to end with.
Friday, March 30, 2007
US News - America's Best Grad School 2008
Though there is so much drama going on, we got an okay US News ranking this year. UT Austin is still two spots ahead of us. Well, but I've had so much fun here and got whatever I wanted. That really worths it. I'm so glad I chose USC over UT. ^_^
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Diet Coke Plus
Diet Coke plus
Oh yeah! Finally diet coke is becoming healthy.
Diet Coke Plus launches NEXT MONTH acroos the US!!! The new soda include vitamins B3, B6, and B12 plus magnesium and zinc.
Mom, don't stop me drinking diet coke next time! ^_^
Oh yeah! Finally diet coke is becoming healthy.
Diet Coke Plus launches NEXT MONTH acroos the US!!! The new soda include vitamins B3, B6, and B12 plus magnesium and zinc.
Mom, don't stop me drinking diet coke next time! ^_^
Even the fortune cookie told me....
"Give your business interests top priority next month"
Sometimes fortune cookies are surprisingly right.... I do have to work harder and give it top priority to find a job...
Sometimes fortune cookies are surprisingly right.... I do have to work harder and give it top priority to find a job...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"What the hell?"
"What the hell" is the closest English translation of "老娘跟你拼了!" I can think of.
I wasn't sure how correct it is. But that remind me of Susan Mayer in Desperate Housewives.
Yeah! 老娘跟你拼了! I need to tell myself that again. That makes me feel powerful/capable for some reason.
I wasn't sure how correct it is. But that remind me of Susan Mayer in Desperate Housewives.
Yeah! 老娘跟你拼了! I need to tell myself that again. That makes me feel powerful/capable for some reason.
Monday, March 26, 2007
May Day
When I get stressed out, May Day's music can always make me feel strong again. By repeating the lyrics, I got back my belief in myself.
當 我和世界不一樣 那就讓我不一樣 堅持對我來說 就是以剛克剛
我 如果對自己妥協 如果對自己說謊 即使別人原諒 我也不能原諒
最美的願望 一定最瘋狂 我就是我自己的神 在我活的地方
我和我最後的倔強 握緊雙手絕對不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能絕望
我和我驕傲的倔強 我在風中大聲的唱
這一次為自己瘋狂 就這一次 我和我的倔強
對 愛我的人別緊張 我的固執很善良 我的手越骯髒 眼神越是發光你
不在乎我的過往 看到了我的翅膀 你說被火燒過 才能出現鳳凰
逆風的方向 更適合飛翔 我不怕千萬人阻擋 只怕自己投降
我和我最後的倔強 握緊雙手絕對不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能絕望
我和我驕傲的倔強 我在風中大聲的唱
這一次為自己瘋狂 就這一次 我和我的倔強
當 我和世界不一樣 那就讓我不一樣 堅持對我來說 就是以剛克剛
我 如果對自己妥協 如果對自己說謊 即使別人原諒 我也不能原諒
最美的願望 一定最瘋狂 我就是我自己的神 在我活的地方
我和我最後的倔強 握緊雙手絕對不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能絕望
我和我驕傲的倔強 我在風中大聲的唱
這一次為自己瘋狂 就這一次 我和我的倔強
對 愛我的人別緊張 我的固執很善良 我的手越骯髒 眼神越是發光你
不在乎我的過往 看到了我的翅膀 你說被火燒過 才能出現鳳凰
逆風的方向 更適合飛翔 我不怕千萬人阻擋 只怕自己投降
我和我最後的倔強 握緊雙手絕對不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能絕望
我和我驕傲的倔強 我在風中大聲的唱
這一次為自己瘋狂 就這一次 我和我的倔強
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Jack n' Jill's

I visited Jack n' Jill's at Beverly Hills yesterday. Since it's on Beverly Drive, it's a great people and car watching spot. I guess Beverly Hills area has the highest density of trendy-dressed people and luxury cars. The service wasn't slow. The wait wasn't bad either. But we spent about 2.5 hours there just chatting and enjoying watching people and nice cars.
In terms of food, I thought it was good in general. I liked the "Hi-Protein Scramble" I ordered a lot. However, I did find their fruits were SUGARY. I didn't expect that would happen in any upscale/premium restaurant. I'm sure I'll order something else as the side next time.
Another thing I'd like to share, the portion of their French Toast is HUGE. Even the guests at the next table were laughing when the waiter served the French Toasts. It was good. But it's better to share the GIANT French Toast and ask your friends to order something different. You wouldn't want to finish the whole thing by yourself.
Hi-Protein Scramble (Egg whites, chicken breast, turkey bacon, spinach, tomato, onion, Jack, Cheddar and Mozzarella) $12.95

Sunset (Asparagus, mushroom, spinach, onions, tomato, herbs and jack cheese) $10.95

Vanilla French Toast (Thick Egg Bread dipped in eggs, vanilla, cinnamon and cream. With whipped butter and syrup.) $8.5

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Ninja Turtles is coming back!
I watched TMNT(Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles) on TV and played it in Gameboy all the time when I was young. Now they're coming back in theaters on March 23!
Extraordinary Desserts

After visiting all those tourist spots, Yaya took us to the Extraordinary Desserts. As what its name trys to convey, its desserts are really extraordinary. I haven't seen this kind of place in LA. (Though there are a lot of them in Taiwan and Japan.) In addition to the store vibe, the deliciousness of its desserts is even more important for the success of Extraordinary Desserts. (How popular? A friend of mine drove from LA to San Diego just for the desserts!)
La Bete Noire An irresistible addition! Vanilla creme brulee, chocolate mousse and chocolate truffle cream are layered in between dark chocolate cake moistened with Madagascar vanilla bean.

Lemon Praline Tart and crunchy. This layer cake is made of lemon soaked genoise, French meringue, lemon curd and lemon buttercream, while surrounded with crushed praline.

Napoleon (the most popular order)
Old Town Mexican Cafe

Though I live in the city that >50% of the population is hispanic, I am not quite familiar with Mexican food yet. The "Old Town Mexican Cafe" in San Diego old town was recommended by Richard. I have no idea about most of the dishes on the menu. I know taco, burrito, and pretty much it. I ended up ordering Enchilada basicaaly just in order to really know what Enchilada is like.
Chilaquiles Served with red or green (tomatillo) sauce. Corn tortillas simmered in a hot chile sauce; served with fried eggs and beans. A hang-over cure!
Beef BurritoEnchilada
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