Monday, January 31, 2005

Mr. Goizueta says~

Mr. Goizueta once said, "Material things can be lost, stolen or even confiscated- however, no one can ever take away from you what you have stored inside."

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Rejection Handling

Yesterday, Hank got his first rejection letter from UCLA.

It comes so early~~ I think that's due to his ealier submission online, and school considered him a first-round appicant. But it's starting.... good news or bad news..... we should learn to face and handle it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

interview confirmation from EMORY

Yes, they decide to give me this chance... even my TOEFL is so awful... My interview is scheduled on 1/27, next Thursday... I kind of worry about my English conversation. 7 days left, I should start planning and maximizing these 7 days to improve it. 衝阿~

Saturday, January 08, 2005

~~ Berkeley ~~

Yesterday Berkeley also hold a information session for us prospectives. I finally met Sandy in person. The atmosphere and life style there are really what I wanna have. It is really the place I wanna go. However, I submitted my application to Berkeley at the very first.... Essays are all awful.... Now wish god could bless me on it.

Monday, January 03, 2005

How can I abandon myself at this moment?

This week is a deadline-week. UCLA, Stanford, Kellogg, and Chicago are all due within this week. I once thought I would be very busy at essays for these schools. However, Chicago requires each section of TOEFL to be at least 25; Kellogg only admits students with TOEFL score higher than 260; Stanford is still a school in the dream( cuz they require 3 recommendations.)

I almost gave up. But how can I do so? I persevered in challenges of GMAT and TOEFL. Why can't I try again? Yes. I should try! Mom remind me of that.

If I don't try now, I'll forbid my own chance.

Keep going. Don't hesitate at taking actions!