Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wow! A Great Gift from McCombs!

I still cannot believe it's true that I've won myself such a large scholarhip! I'm so so so happy about tha, and it eliminates my hesitance of attending UT Austin! ( I sometimes still thought about the $20000 offer from Georgetown.)

Ms. Wei-Ping Huang,

Greetings from the McCombs School of Business. I have some good news. On account of your excellent credentials as an applicant to the McCombs MBA program, I am happy to offer you one of our largest admissions scholarships! Only a very limited numbers of these scholarships are awarded each year among an incoming class of over 260. As one of these students, you represent the brightest and most promising of young professionals and we look forward to having you join the class of 2007.

This scholarship awards you $5,000 per year ($2,500 per semester), plus provides you with in-state tuition, for the two years (60 graduate hours) that you are in our program. Based on current tuition costs, the total savings to you for the two years is approximately $43,000.

The conditions for this scholarship are your enrollment in the standard 15 hours of graduate business coursework for both semesters of the first year, and that you maintain good academic standing.

You have until the deadline stated in your admission letter to accept this offer. If, however, you have reached a decision before this date, we would strongly encourage you to notify us of your decision through our on-line MBA Admissions Response Form:
It will be understood that the offer of admission and the scholarship are linked. You do not need to send separate notifications. As scholarships are limited in number, your earliest response is greatly appreciated.

My best wishes to you as you consider this offer. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we truly hope to be able to count you among the class of 2007!

Please send a simple reply to let me know that you have received this email.

Warm regards,
Director of Admissions

MBA Program Office . 1 University Station B6004 . Austin, TX 78712-0205
phone: 512.471.7698 . fax: 512.471.4131 . email: McCombsMBA@mccombs.utexas.edu

Saturday, April 09, 2005

USD 305...

It's the price distance between LA and Austin.
If there is no surprsing good news, I'm going to Austin and Hank will go to LA.

I thought it will be not that far between these two cities, cuz they are both in South....
But after checking the airfare....the cheapest ticket costs USD 305. It means we'll not be close.
NOT close AT ALL!!!! Wooooo~~~~~ I wanna cry.....Cry very loud!!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

04/05 in JFK

I’m in JFK right now. When I finished check-in and security check, it’s just 8:40, three hours earlier than my boarding time. The good thing is I just need to wait here, without carrying my “everything” luggage, which has given my palm blisters.

In States, I become more Taiwanese, listening to Jay’s music and eating rice, just as JongSe said that he started to need Kimchi everyday when he is here. This trip is ending, and I get what I want, though not really those in my dream. Now I know, actually I always tell myself, everything will be conquered when I really want to do it.

One-day Trip to Washington DC -- Interview with Georgetown

If there is nothing out of my expectation, this is my last interview. From USC, UCLA, Kellogg, UT, and Georgetown, I think my performance must be improved. Ha-ha, actually I haven’t felt I performed badly in interviews. I don’t know why USC just gave me waitlist. On the day Hank got the admission and I didn’t, I was extremely depressed and cried and screamed almost the whole day. Maybe I am really not qualified…. I don’t know.

Georgetown Interview
The lady interviewed me is a second year student who concentrates in Strategy and has got an offer in Northwest Airline. I always make the interview very relaxed and like talks between friends, so there are no special problems I feel uncomfortable or difficult. Oh, she asked me about the strength and weakness. Haha, thanks to the UT interview, I answered it easily and naturally. I prepared this question for UT, but they didn’t ask me it. Mmm….Hard works will eventually work.

Actually, Georgetown will not be the place I wanna go. Maybe it’s due to my mood and condition. I tried to do the sight seeing to utilize the value of train tickets, so I walked around those historical spots. Therefore, when I headed to Georgetown, I was already very tired. In addition, I spent a lot of time to get a cab, and when I arrived there I couldn’t find any food to buy. It’s different with what I expected. I thought there must be some simple food I can grab so I felt very disappointing. The building of their business school is really not big, though it’s historic. B-school even need to share that building with other schools. Maybe it’s reasonable because their program is truly much smaller than others’. However, it still makes me feel bad. Ha-ha, it sounds all my complaints are related to the essential needs – food and space. Maybe those are low level considerations, but it will be important when that school are not really that top and attractive. I think Austin makes me feel better.